
As life-changing as a brilliant music education can be, we understand that it needs to fit into your life and schedule. We’ve built tools to help which are all included in your account with us, allowing you to focus on the most important thing: the music.

Receive your music lessons in-person or online, schedule them regularly, or create a custom calendar with your teacher if this suits your needs better.

Purchase lessons with confidence

Depending on how your teacher likes to work, you can expect to receive a Lesson Offer to arrange the tuition directly via a private link, or a recommendation to purchase a block of lessons. Both options require lessons to be paid for in advance. You can read more about the <a href="https://intercom.help/music-teachers/en/articles/9533303" class="text-blue-600 underline hover:underline">different options here</a>.

Flexible Payment

Choose to pay the full amount immediately, or spread the cost over monthly installments we call ‘Split Payments’. We want to make music education accessible to all with manageable monthly payments. Read more about payment here

Flexible Planning

Once you’ve purchased your block of lessons, you’re ready to start your musical journey with us! Some students take lessons at a fixed time each week, or every other week and others need the time to be customised for each lesson - all are possible.

Using our search engine you can find the teachers who best suit your wishes in relation to the location. We have teachers who offer teaching in their own studios and rehearsal rooms, at their place, at your place and/or online through the built-in Online Classroom, which you can access directly via your student profile.

Read more about intensive courses here

Flexible Location

There is a lot of flexibility in the time of day when you can take your lessons. Some teachers offer teaching throughout the period from 7am in the morning to 10pm in the evening. Online music lessons can also suit the busy parent who wants a little me-time in the evening when the children are put to bed.


Read More About Our OnlineClassRoom Here

Read more about the online classroom here.

Flexible Refunds

This means that you always have the opportunity to prioritise your musical development. You decide when and where you want to receive tuition. You can even arrange with teachers to blend between meeting physically and online.

If you have further questions then you are more than welcome to send us an email at: [email protected].