Teachers' Terms of Service


Musicteachers.co.uk is a bespoke web platform that we have built to connect students of any age, any ability and any instrument with high-quality, professionally vetted music teachers across the UK. We provide agency, marketing and payment services further to the subsequent teacher-student relationship on the terms of service set out below. These terms of service set out the terms and conditions on which we act as your agent in the provision of the specified services and should be read in conjunction with:

  1. is owned and operated by More Music UK Limited, a limited liability company registered in England and Wales under the company number 10946567. The registered address is 837 Salisbury House, 29 Finsbury Circus, London EC2M 5QQ. England and we are registered for VAT under number 370603027. Any reference to "we", "us" and/or "our" within these terms of service refers to More Music UK Limited. Any reference to "you"/"your" means a Teacher.  All words which are used in these terms with a capital letter are defined in clause 1 below.

These terms, which incorporate by reference the content of the policies referenced above, shall apply to you automatically when you use our Web Platform in your capacity as a Teacher. We recommend that you print a copy for your records. Please do not use our Web Platform if you are not happy with these terms. 

  1. Definitions
    1. The following words have the following meanings:

"Account" means the Teacher's account required to use the Web Platform which allows the Teacher to log in to the Web Platform to access/edit  their profile and to communicate with Customers.

"Application" means the application form on the Web Platform to be completed by you in order to obtain an Account.

"Applicable Law" means any laws and other instruments having the force of law in the United Kingdom as they may be issued and enforced from time to time.

"Attendee" means the person attending an Event.

"Community" refers to Teachers, Customers, us and our staff collectively.

"Content" includes (but is not limited to) all of the data on the Web Platform, the content on our website including the layout and format of the Teacher's profile, links to YouTube videos which we post and all text and images which we publish.

"Confirmed Solo Lesson" is a Solo Lesson that has been paid for and confirmed by the Customer.

"Confirmed Group Lesson/s" is one or more Group Lessons that have been confirmed and paid for by the Customer.

"Confirmed Lesson Offer" is a Lesson Offer that has been confirmed and paid for by the Customer.

"Customer" means the person who uses the Web Platform to purchase Music Lessons and/or Event Tickets (who may or may not be the Student), and where the Student is under 18 years of age the person must be either the parent, carer or legal guardian of the Student.

"Event" means any event hosted by the Teacher and offered by the Teacher to Customers on the Web Platform.

"Event Fee" means the fee payable by a Customer for an Event Ticket.

"Event Ticket" means a ticket that allows a Customer to attend a particular Event, such tickets to be purchased on the Web Platform.

"Group Lesson" means a music lesson provided by the Teacher to more than one Student further to engagement via our Web Platform.

"Solo Lesson" means a one-to-one music lesson provided by the Teacher to the Student further to engagement via our Web Platform.

"Solo Lesson Block" is a block of 5, 10, 20 or 40 Solo Lessons. When a Customer purchases a Solo Lesson Block, the Teacher can create lessons which are confirmed automatically. When purchasing a Solo Lesson Block, the Customer may qualify for a discount on the Price of up to 20%.

"Lesson Fee" means the fee payable by a Customer in order for a Student to receive Music Lessons.

"Lesson Offer" means an offer made by the Teacher to any Customer via the Web Platform for the purchase of one or more lessons, governed by the terms specific to the Lesson Offer product.

 "Membership Level(s)" is a mechanism by which we apply discounts to a Teacher's Platform Fees (applied solely at our discretion) taking into account the number of hours of Music Lessons the Teacher has taught using the Web Platform and/or the number of Events the Teacher has hosted.  The higher your 'Membership Level', the higher the discount that will be applied to the Platform Fees.  For more details on how such Membership Level discounts are calculated, please contact us.

"Music Lessons" means either Solo Lesson(s) and/or Group Lesson(s) and/or Offer Lesson(s).

"New Applicant" means a person interested in joining the Web Platform as a Teacher but who has not yet completed their profile, nor been reviewed and published by the Web Platform.

"Platform Fee" is the amount payable by the Teacher in consideration of our Services, such amount to be deducted from the Price in accordance with these terms.

"Platform Issues" means a computational weakness found in software and hardware components that when exploited, results in a negative impact on confidentiality, intensity or availability of the Web Platform.

"Policies" means our policies as listed in clause 11.6(a).

"Prepared Invoice" is an invoice we create and supply to the Teacher on a monthly basis further to the information supplied by the Teacher setting out Teacher Fees, Platform fees, Transport Fees and how the Teacher Fee has been calculated in accordance with these terms.

"Price" refers to the fees payable by a Customer inclusive of the Platform Fee, Lesson Fees and/or Event Fees and/or Transport Fees (if applicable) and/or Service Fee (if applicable). Such fees are visible on the Teacher's profile on the Web Platform and are payable by the Customer to us on your behalf.

"Privacy Policy" means our privacy policy which can be found at www.musicteachers.co.uk/rules/data-handling.

"Safety Centre" means the area on the Web Platform that sets out all information surrounding the vetting of teachers, the safeguarding of children and all other relevant information regarding safeguarding and child protection.

"Service Fee" means a nominal fee, payable by the student, added to Lesson Offer and Group Lessons and Event products.

"Services" means the supply, hosting, and maintenance of the Web Platform and the marketing, communication, lesson booking and fee collection services, provided by us via the Web Platform as further specified in clause 4.

"Student" means the person undertaking, or looking to undertake, Music Lessons.

"Transport Fee" refers to the additional cost applied by the Teacher to cover time and expenses associated with travelling to the home of the Student, when the Customer requests Music Lessons at the Student's home.

"Teacher" means you, the professional, individual, self-employed music teacher offering Music Lessons and/or Events through our Web Platform.

"Teacher Fee" refers to the sum payable to the Teacher by us after the deduction of the Platform Fee from the Price.

"Venue" means any location or building that a Teacher utilises to deliver Music Lessons and/or host Events;

"Web Platform" means www.musicteachers.co.uk (or any domain name to which Users, Students, Teachers and Customers may be directed by us).

"Writing" and/or "Written" includes any communication, including emails.

  1. The contract between you and us
    1. We assume that you are a business customer. These terms constitute the entire agreement between us and you in relation to the terms on which we will act as your agent and supply you with our Services. Any reference to “you”/”your” means a Teacher, an individual.  (If you work with others please identify them to us during the on-boarding process.  If you wish to share any personal data you receive further to this agreement with any colleagues you must provide their full details and they must also follow the vetting process before you use the Web Platform).
    2. If you do not wish to be bound by these terms please do not use this Web Platform.
    3. You acknowledge that you have not relied on any statement, promise, representation, assurance or warranty made or given by or on behalf of us which is not set out in these terms and that you shall have no claim for innocent or negligent misrepresentation or negligent misstatement based on any statement in these terms.
    4. These terms and conditions supersede any previous versions and come into effect from Tuesday, October 1st 2024.
  2. Creating an Account to use the Web Platform
    1. You must complete an Application in order to obtain an Account on the Web Platform.
  3. Services we provide via our Web Platform
    1. In consideration of the payment of the Platform Fee, we shall provide you with certain Services depending on the nature of your subscription with us.  These shall include:
      1. acting as your agent in the relationship between you and the Customer and /or Student;
      2. marketing, communication, online learning, booking and fee collection services;
      3. the supply, hosting and maintenance of the Web Platform to allow Customers to easily:
        1. find and connect with a Teacher and arrange and pay for Music Lessons subject to the limitations set out in clause 12.5; and
        2. find and attend Events;
      4. support and advice for each Teacher to ensure the text and images displayed on your profile are accurate and clear;
      5. the maintenance of a notification system to ensure swift communication between Teacher and Customer and/or Student is possible - from time to time we may monitor messages to ensure our standards of safety, quality and professionalism are being maintained;
      6. the display of clear and accurate fee information;
      7. the settlement of all Teacher Fees where Customers have used our payment services in accordance with these terms of service;
      8. the investigation of all complaints (including refunds) in line with our complaints policy, which is available on request to Customers and Teachers; and
      9. the protection of personal data and notification of how we use and protect, Customers', Students' and Teachers' personal data as set out in our Privacy Policy.
    2. We shall ensure the screening of all New Applicants at the application stage to ensure they meet our stringent criteria of quality, safety and professionalism.
  4. Our Community standards
    1. All Teachers shall:
      1. be responsible for the safety and security of themselves and any children (i.e. persons under the age of 18) who are Students including, but not limited to, using the internet safely.
      2. not share your password/login details or email account with any other person.  If you wish to do so you must advise us as to the identity of each person with whom you are sharing such information and they must go through the vetting process before you use the Web Platform.
      3. ensure messages and content posted by them or on their behalf on the Web Platform are legal and in no way abusive or offensive. Where a message or any content on the Web Platform is a cause for concern, you shall promptly report it to us;
      4. comply with their safeguarding obligations as set out under clause 11;
      5. assist us in ensuring that all Customers are aged 18 or over and are the parent, guardian or carer of the Student, and report any instances where you believe that this may not be the case;
      6. take reasonable steps and exercise common sense when assessing the accuracy and legitimacy of information on the Web Platform;
      7. comply with our Acceptable Use Policy; and
      8. not attempt to circumvent the Web Platform in any way whilst benefiting from the Services which the Web Platform provides (including but not limited to purposefully not using the payment service provider within the Web Platform to obtain payment for Music Lessons and/or Events).
    2. If any Teacher using the Web Platform fails to comply with the terms within this clause 5, clause 6 or any other terms within these terms of service we reserve the right at our sole discretion to suspend or remove that Teacher's Account or remove that Teacher's ability to use the Web Platform, in whole or part.
  5. Teacher Requirements
    1. As a Teacher on the Web Platform, you shall:
      1. supply, either face-to-face or online, punctually at the agreed time, high-quality, professional:
        1. Music Lessons to Students; and/or
        1. Events to Attendees,

in accordance with these terms, including our Policies, and any terms agreed directly by you with the Customer;

      1. be deemed to have instructed us to act as your agent, on the terms set out within these terms of service;
      2. meet the minimum age requirement of 18 years of age;
      3. have in place "right to work" status in the UK;
      4. take reasonable steps to ensure that if:
        1. any Student to whom you are delivering Music Lessons is not 18 years of age or older; and if
        2. any Attendee who is attending an Event you are hosting is not 18 years of age or older,

that such Student or Attendee shall have a parent, carer or legal guardian consent,  manage and pay for the provision of the Music Lessons and/or Events and promptly inform us of the same;

      1. be responsible for your own actions and behaviour and shall avoid any conduct that would lead a reasonable person to question your professionalism, motivation or intention. Specifically, do not share any personal data received further to your use of the Web Platform with any other person unless you have notified us as to the identity of that other person in accordance with clause 5.1(b).  You will be liable for the actions or omissions of such a person further to such a transfer of personal data.”;
      2. perform a risk assessment of any Venue to ensure that the Venue is safe for the purposes of delivering Music Lessons and/or hosting Events for all persons in attendance;
      3. ensure that by utilising the Venue to deliver Music Lessons and/or host Events  you shall not be in breach of any Applicable Laws;
      4. provide clear, complete, accurate and up-to-date information in your Application and on profile pages and keep up to date all other personal information held on the Web Platform;
      5. not refer Students or prospective Students to another platform or website which offers identical or similar services to those offered by our Web Platform;
      6. use all reasonable endeavours to communicate to each Customer the recommended 30 days' notice in relation to any change to any fees;
      7. act professionally, be responsive and accurate in your communication with Customers/Students and be prompt in booking lessons with Customers; and
      8. indemnify us in case of any claim or liability made against us by any third party resulting from your use of the Web Platform, inclusive of all costs and expenses which may have been incurred by us and inclusive of any claims brought by HMRC or any other government or judicial authority.
    1. You understand that you are not an employee of More Music UK Limited. All Teachers are self-employed, choosing their rate of pay and choosing when they work and for how long. All Teachers acknowledge that they are responsible for payments relating to tax and National Insurance Contributions and that we take no responsibility for any such payments.
    2. We shall withhold from the Price, the Platform Fee and, if applicable, any other amounts that you owe to us for the Services or for which we may become liable further to your breach of these terms of service.
  1. New Applicants
    1. All New Applicants must:
      1. provide us with contact information for two individuals who have agreed to act as referees for you. Where possible, one should be a current or most recent employer, neither can be a family member or spouse. For applicants who are wholly self-employed, a professional colleague, or the parent of a current or former student will be considered in place of an employer;
      2. submit to an ID verification check, enabling us to validate the Teacher's identity;
      3. immediately notify us of any criminal convictions, other offences, sanctions, or cautions which have been attributed to them after the date of their enhanced DBS certificate. We operate to the standards of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. However, amendments to the Exemptions Order 1975 (2013 & 2020) provide that certain spent convictions and cautions are 'protected'. These are not subject to disclosure and cannot be taken into account. Guidance and criteria on the filtering of these cautions and convictions can be found on the Ministry of Justice website or see the following link http://hub.unlock.org.uk/knowledgebase/filtering-cautions-convictions/.  We reserve the right to conduct additional risk assessments in light of any new information of this kind;
      4. provide an original enhanced DBS with barred list, PVG or Access NI disclosure certificate, dated within 12 months, or be registered on the update service; and
      5. If required, allow us to progress an enhanced DBS application with Barred list check, PVG, or Access NI certificate on behalf of the Teacher further to which the Teacher shall be liable for the costs of such a check which shall be paid directly by the Teacher to our nominated service provider. For further information surrounding the costs of this check, please contact us.
      6. where we have agreed that you may share personal data with another person in accordance with clause 5.1(a) you acknowledge that the person(s) you nominate will also need to go through a vetting process, prior to your use of the web platform”.



  1. Price and payment

Solo Lessons – Current Pricing Structure

    1. The Teacher is able to set their own pricing structure using the "Prices and Payments" tool ("PP Tool") in the 'My Account' section of the Web Platform.  We will deduct a Platform Fee from the Price in exchange for the Services provided by us through the Web Platform (please note Platform Fees are also referred to as "Deductions" within the Web Platform). Platform Fees will be as displayed within the PP Tool.
    2. The pricing system is designed so that the Teacher will:
      1. always be sure of the Price, the Teacher Fee and the Platform fee; and
      2. be aware of the discounts the Web Platform agrees to apply for the Customer, should they choose to purchase a Solo Lesson Block.
    3. Dependent on Membership Level (see clause 8.17 for more details), the Web Platform will deduct from the Price as a Platform Fee:
    4. (3.a) Between 10% and 16.67% per lesson for a 20 lesson block;
    5. (3.b) Between 15.29% and 21.57% per lesson for a 10 lesson block;
    6. (3.c) Between 20% and 25.93% per lesson for a 5 lesson block;
    7. (3.d) Between 28% and 33.3% for a single lesson.

Solo Lessons – Previous Pricing Structure

    1. For Teachers published before 1 July 2021 and/or for Teachers who have not utilised the PP Tool, the previous price structure ("Previous Pricing Structure") will apply which operates under the following terms:
      1. The Previous Pricing Structure works on a tiered system, where the Teacher chooses to offer tuition at one of the following Prices:
        1. £29.25 for a 60-minute lesson (£14.63 for 30 min.);
        2. £34.88 for a 60-minute lesson (£17.44 for 30 min.);
        3. £40.50 for a 60-minute lesson (£20.25 for 30 min.);
        4. £46.13 for a 60-minute lesson (£23.07 for 30 min.);
        5. £51.75 for a 60-minute lesson (£25.88 for 30 min.);
        6. £59.63 for a 60-minute lesson (£29.82 for 30 min.);
        7. £67.50 for a 60-minute lesson (£33.75 for 30 min.);
        8. £81.00 for a 60-minute lesson (£40.50 for 30 min.).
    2. In accordance with the Previous Pricing Structure, we will deduct a Platform Fee from the Price in exchange for the Services provided by us through the Web Platform. The corresponding Platform Fees charged at each point of the Previous Pricing Structure (as set out in clause 8.4) will be as set out below:
      1. £10.25 for a 60-minute lesson;
      2. £11.88 for a 60-minute lesson;
      3. £13.50 for a 60-minute lesson;
      4. £15.13 for a 60-minute lesson;
      5. £17.75 for a 60-minute lesson;
      6. £20.63 for a 60-minute lesson;
      7. £23.50 for a 60-minute lesson;
      8. £28.00 for a 60-minute lesson.

(Please note that the Platform Fees displayed here are for 60-minute lessons, it follows that the relevant amounts being charged for our Services will be proportionately discounted for lessons of a shorter duration e.g. 50% for a 30-minute lesson and 75% for a 45-minute lesson.)

Group Lessons/Events Pricing

    1. The Teacher shall set The Price paid by each Customer for a Group Lesson and/or Event. We deduct a Platform Fee from the Price paid for any Group Lesson and/or Event and the relevant Platform Fee will be clearly displayed on the Web Platform at the point in which the Teacher sets the Price.
    2. We reserve the right to charge the Customer a Service Fee as a contribution to the costs we incur in the administration associated with each Group Lesson and/or Event. Service Fees are clearly shown to both the Teacher during the creation process and the Customer before payment and confirmation.
    3. Lesson Offers Pricing
    4. The Teacher shall set the Price paid by each Customer for each Lesson Offer. We will deduct a Platform Fee from the Price paid and the relevant Platform Fee will be clearly displayed on the Web Platform at the point at which the Teacher sets the Lesson Fee.
    5. The Teacher agrees to include all expenses associated with the delivery of the Lesson Offer when setting the Price (including any Transport Fee and/or any fees associated with the Venue) and the Teacher understands that no additional fees may be raised further to the Customer's acceptance of an Offer Lesson.
    6. We reserve the right to charge the Customer a Service Fee as a contribution to the costs we incur in the administration associated with each Lesson Offer

Other Applicable Pricing Terms

    1. We shall ensure that the Price payable by the Customer will be clearly displayed on the Web Platform.
    2. For Solo Lessons which are to take place at a Student's home, the Teacher may add a Transport Fee which will be chosen by the Teacher, at the Teacher's discretion, taking into account the distance and time required to travel to the location of the applicable Solo Lesson being conducted by the Teacher. The Teacher shall agree on any Transport Fee (if applicable) with the Customer prior to the booking of each Solo Lesson.  No Platform Fee shall be applied to any Transport Fee.  For Group Lessons and/or Events and Lesson Offers, transport costs should instead be factored into the Price by the Teacher.
    3. The Teacher shall use all reasonable endeavours to inform Students of any changes to any Price with 30 days' notice.
    4. Payment of Teacher Fees is calculated by reference to the Prepared Invoice. The Teacher can view their Prepared Invoice for each calendar month at any time within the 'Settings’' section of the Web Platform. The Prepared Invoice is generated on the first day of each calendar month and collates all Music Lessons and/or Events that take place within that calendar month for each Teacher.
    5. We will settle all amounts payable to the Teacher as shown on the Prepared Invoice, within the first 5 days of the following calendar month, directly into the Teacher's nominated UK bank account. 
    6. The Teacher agrees to be responsible for the amounts shown on the Prepared Invoice and if a Teacher disputes or challenges any amounts shown in the Prepared Invoice, the Teacher must contact us immediately. We agree to respond to any challenge in no more than 5 working days and settle any adjustments which are in favour of the Teacher within a further 5 working days. Any adjustments in our favour will either be taken from the subsequent Prepared Invoice or requested as an extraordinary payment from the Teacher.
    7. We agree to reduce Platform Fees in accordance with the Teacher's applicable Membership Level. For more information on Membership Levels, please see the 'Settings’' section of the Web Platform.
  1. Solo Lesson Blocks
    1. Where a Customer purchases a Solo Lesson Block and qualifies for a discount, we agree to reduce the Platform Fee accordingly.
    2. Teachers must use their best endeavours to complete any Music Lessons that form part of a Solo Lesson Block at the time and place agreed with the Customer.
  2. Bookings, Cancellations, Complaints and Refunds

Solo Lessons

    1. The Teacher agrees to create Solo Lessons on behalf of the Student, after ascertaining mutually agreeable details of date, time, location and duration.
    2. The Teacher agrees to monitor communication with the Student and make all necessary and acceptable changes to the booking of any Solo Lesson and will ensure the Web Platform contains accurate information at all times.
    3. We agree to send notifications and instructions to the Customer inviting them to confirm and pay for the lesson(s) created by the Teacher. Once the Solo Lesson has been confirmed and paid, the Web Platform will send a notification to the Teacher and the lesson is treated as a Confirmed Solo Lesson.
    4. The Teacher has no right to payment of fees and we do not have any obligation towards the Teacher to pay any fee in the event that a Solo Lesson is not confirmed and subsequently cancelled.
    5. A Customer can cancel a Confirmed Solo Lesson at any time up to 24 hours prior to the start of the lesson. To cancel the lesson, the Customer must send the Teacher a message with the instruction to cancel the lesson:
      1. In the event that a Confirmed Solo Lesson is cancelled by a Customer with less than 24 hours notice, the Price for that lesson will not be refunded to the Customer. Teacher Fees, Platform Fees (and the Transport Fee if the Teacher has travelled to the Solo Lesson before it is cancelled) will be added to the Prepared Invoice as normal.
      2. In the event that a Confirmed Solo Lesson is cancelled by a Customer with more than 24 hours notice, the Price for that lesson can either be refunded, or the lesson can be rescheduled at no extra cost to a mutually convenient time for both the Teacher and Student.
    6. In the event that a Confirmed Solo Lesson is cancelled by a Teacher (at any time), the Price for that lesson can either be refunded, or the lesson can be rescheduled at no extra cost, to a mutually convenient time for both the Teacher and Student.
    7. Should a refund be requested on unused lesson or lessons by either the student or the teacher, The Web Platform may levy a £3 processing fee when performing the refund. 

Group Lessons

    1. The Teacher shall (if they wish to do so) create Group Lessons for Students.
    2. The Teacher agrees to monitor communication with each Student and make all necessary and acceptable changes to the booking of any Group Lesson and will ensure the Web Platform contains accurate information regarding Group Lesson(s) at all times.
    3. We agree to send notifications and instructions to the Customer inviting them to confirm and pay for Group Lesson(s) created by the Teacher. Once the Group Lesson(s) has been confirmed and paid for, the Web Platform will send a notification to the Teacher and the Group Lesson(s) is treated as a Confirmed Group Lesson
    4. The Teacher has no right to payment of fees and we do not have any obligation towards the Teacher to pay any fee in the event that a Group Lesson is not confirmed and subsequently cancelled.
    5. A Customer has the right to cancel a Confirmed Group Lesson at any time in the 14-day period following the day on which the Group Lesson becomes a Confirmed Group Lesson. The Customer may not cancel a Confirmed Group Lesson if the relevant Student attends one of the Lessons forming part of the Confirmed Group Lesson, as at this point, the Customer's right to cancel will have expired and the Customer will be obliged to pay for all Group Lessons created by the Teacher in the relevant booking.
    6. To cancel the Confirmed Group Lessons within the 14-day cancellation period (as above), the Customer must send the Teacher a message with the instruction to cancel the Group Lesson. In the event that a Confirmed Group Lesson is cancelled by a Customer in accordance with the 14-day cancellation period, the Price for these lessons will be refunded to the Customer and the Teacher Fees will be removed from the Teacher’s Prepared Invoice.
    7. In the event that any Group Lesson that forms part of a Confirmed Group Lesson booking is cancelled by a Teacher (at any time), the Teacher shall reschedule the relevant Group Lesson for an alternative time and date that is mutually convenient to the Teacher and the Customer(s).
    8. Lesson Offers
    9. The Teacher shall (if they wish to do so) create Lesson Offers for Students. The Lesson Offer shall contain:
      1. the relevant Student's name;
      2. the location where the Music Lesson(s) will be held;
      3. the instrument to be taught and a description of the tuition;
      4. a schedule of the Music Lesson(s); and
      5. the Price for the Music Lesson(s).
    10. Customised terms concerning notice period, cancellation and make-up lessons.
    11. The Teacher agrees to monitor communication with each Student and make all necessary and acceptable changes to the booking of any Lesson Offer and will ensure the Web Platform contains accurate information relating to any Lesson offer at all times.
    12. We agree to send notifications and instructions to the Customer inviting them to accept and pay for Lesson Offers. Once the Lesson Offer has been accepted and paid for by the Customer, the Web Platform will send a notification to the Teacher and the Offer Lesson Offer will be treated as a  Confirmed Lesson Offer. 
    13. The Teacher has no right to payment of fees and we do not have any obligation towards the Teacher to pay any fee in the event that a Lesson Offer is not confirmed and is subsequently cancelled.
    14. A Customer has the right to cancel a Confirmed Lesson Offer at any time in the 14-day period following the day on which the Lesson Offer becomes a Confirmed Lesson Offer. The Customer may not cancel a Confirmed Lesson Offer if the relevant Student attends one of the Music Lessons forming part of the Lesson Offer as at this point the Customer's right to cancel will have expired and the Customer will not be entitled to a refund.
    15. To cancel a Confirmed Lesson Offer within the 14-day cancellation period (as above) the Customer must send the Teacher a message with the instruction to cancel the Lesson Offer. In the event that a Confirmed Lesson Offer is cancelled by a Customer in accordance with the 14-day cancellation period, the Price for the Lesson Offer will be returned to the Customer by the Web Platform. A £3 fee may be levied by the Web Platform to the Customer, in respect of its duties in refunding the Lesson Offer. 
    16. In the event that any lesson scheduled as part of a Confirmed Lesson Offer is cancelled by the Teacher at any time, the Teacher shall reschedule the relevant Music Lesson for an alternative time and date that is mutually convenient to the Teacher and Student. If a mutually convenient time and date cannot be offered, the Teacher agrees to waive their right to any Teacher Fee payable in connection with the relevant Lesson and the Customer shall be entitled to a refund of the Price it has paid in relation to such a part of the Confirmed Lesson Offer. 
    17. In each Lesson Offer, the Teacher is able to customise the terms regarding the notice period (if the Customer is entitled to be refunded if they choose to cancel after the 14-day Cancellation Period ends.) The Web Platform will support the Teachers chosen terms and display this to the Student when presenting the relevant Lesson Offer.
    18. In each Lesson Offer, The Teacher is able to customise the terms regarding Student cancellations and whether to offer make-up lessons if the Customer wishes to cancel a particular lesson which forms part of the Lesson Offer. The Web Platform will support the Teachers chosen terms and display this to the Customer when presenting the relevant Lesson Offer.



    1. The Teacher shall (if they wish to do so) create Events for Attendees.
    2. The Teacher agrees to monitor communication with each Customer and make all necessary and acceptable changes to the booking of any Event and will ensure the Web Platform contains accurate information at all times.
    3. We agree to send notifications and instructions to the Customer inviting them to confirm and pay for the Events created by the Teacher by purchasing an Event Ticket. Once the Event Ticket has been paid for and confirmed, the Web Platform will send a notification to the Teacher.
    4. The Teacher has no right to payment of fees and we do not have any obligation towards the Teacher to pay any fee in the event that an Event is not confirmed and subsequently cancelled.
    5. The Customer is not permitted to cancel its attendance to an Event after the Customer has purchased an Event Ticket and the Customer will not be entitled to any refund if they fail to attend an Event (as Events are a service related to leisure activities and involve us and the Teacher setting aside capacity that could be difficult to replace in the event of cancellation, no consumer right to cancellation applies).
    6. In the event that any Event is cancelled by a Teacher (at any time), the Price for that Event will be refunded to the Customer. A £3 charge may be levied by the Web Platform to the customer when processing the refund. 


    1. All complaints, including those around lesson quality, non-attendance of a Music Lesson and/or Event by the Teacher, Teacher conduct, Student conduct and issues around the Web Platform will be handled in line with our Complaints Policy which is available on request.
  1. Safeguarding and Child Protection
    1. We recognise that safeguarding and child protection are of paramount importance. It is the responsibility of everyone in the Community to help keep children safe and we expect all those associated with the Web Platform to agree to this commitment.  We are committed to safeguarding and promoting children's welfare and as such, will apply robust procedures that deter and prevent unsuitable people from accessing our Web Platform.
    2. Our DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead) is Mr Alex Wibrew. He can be contacted via email at [email protected].
    3. We will update our safeguarding and child protection policy and all other relevant policies surrounding the safeguarding of children at least annually, and engage the services of an expert consultant to help us to ensure that the policies reflect changes in legislation and best practice.
    4. All Teachers must:
      1. read, understand and continually adhere to the standards set out in the document 'Keeping Children Safe in Education' (which can be found at https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1021914/KCSIE_2021_September_guidance.pdf) before their profile is published on the Web Platform. In addition to reading this guidance, we recommend that all Teachers consider regularly undertaking and completing appropriate safeguarding and child protection training to provide them with relevant skills and knowledge to safeguard children effectively;
      2. read, understand and continually adhere to all of our policies relating to child protection, inclusive of:
        1. our 'Code of Conduct';
        2. our Acceptable Use Policy
        3. our 'Lone Working' Policy;
        4. our guidance on how we will manage and support safeguarding allegations in our 'Managing Allegations of Abuse' Policy; and
        5. our 'Whistleblowing' policy which includes an expectation on Teachers to raise concerns about poor or unsafe practices and potential failures in our safeguarding practice,

all of the above collectively referred to as the Policies.

    1. Please note that the Policies will be updated by us from time to time (and at least once a year). Therefore, all Teachers must ensure that they revisit the Policies from time to time (at least once a year) to ensure their compliance with their obligations as set out under clause 11.
    2. All Teachers must immediately report any concerns surrounding a Student under the age of 18. Any concerns regarding an issue of safeguarding or child protection should be brought  to the attention of our DSL immediately.  
  1. Disclaimers and Limitations of Liability
    1. You are liable for any and all damage that is caused to us and/or our affiliated companies whether directly and/or indirectly, in the context of any act or omission by you related to the use of the Web Platform and/or the supply of Music Lessons and/or hosting of Events in breach of these terms of service and/or the documents referenced within it.
    2. You shall indemnify us (and our affiliated companies) and keep us (and our affiliated companies) indemnified against any and all claims brought by third parties, including, but not limited to, our Customers, Students and/or Attendees, that ensue from damage that has been caused in the context of the performance of any act or omission of the Teacher related to the use of the Web Platform and/or supply of Music Lessons and/or hosting of Events and/or in breach of these terms of service or any document referenced within it.
    3. Each Teacher using the Web Platform shall take out adequate liability insurance with a reputable insurer to cover all reasonable risks connected to the performance of any activity undertaken by the Teacher further to use of the Web Platform.
    4. Our Web Platform may contain links to other independent third-party websites ("Third-party Sites").  Such Third-party Sites include websites operated by Billwerk+ (our payment service provider), YouTube or other asset store websites and social media. These are not under our control, and we are not responsible for and do not endorse their content or their privacy policies (if any.) You will need to make your own independent judgement regarding your interaction with any Third-party Sites which will occur further to your use of the Web Platform.
    5. We do not warrant that your use of the Web Platform will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that the Web Platform will be free from any Platform Issues.
    6. By using our Web Platform, you acknowledge and agree that internet transmissions are never completely private or secure. You understand that any information you send to us may be read or intercepted by others, even if there is a special notice that a particular transmission is encrypted.
    7. Nothing in these terms shall limit or exclude either party's liability for:
      1. death or personal injury caused by our negligence or the negligence of our employees, agents or subcontractors (as applicable);
      2. fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation;
      3. any other liability that cannot be excluded or limited under English law.
    8. Except as expressly set out in these terms, all warranties, conditions and other terms implied by statute or common law or otherwise are, to the fullest extent permitted by law, excluded from these terms.