- Web Platform Terms of Use for Users


About is a web platform that connects students of any age, any ability and any instrument with high-quality and professional music teachers who offer music lessons and host music-related events. is owned and operated by More Music UK Limited, a company registered in England and Wales under the company number 10946567. The registered address is 837 Salisbury House, 29 Finsbury Circus, London EC2M 5QQ. More Music UK Limited is registered for VAT under number 370603027. 

Music Lessons can be purchased by the Customer from Teachers via this Web Platform either in the form of Solo Lessons, Solo Lesson Blocks, Group Lessons, Events, or Lesson Offers on the following terms.  

(Please see the Definitions section in clause 2 below for the definition of all words which start with capital letters)


Our terms of use

These terms together with our Acceptable Use Policy (which can be found as an appendix to these terms):

  • tell you the rules for using our website; and 
  • apply to any User of our Web Platform; and 
  • apply to those Customers who utilise the Web Platform to book music tuition with a Teacher


By using our Web Platform you agree to comply with these terms. These terms should also be read in conjunction with our Privacy Policy (which can be found at 


Please ensure that you accept these terms, the terms of our Acceptable Use Policy and our Privacy Policy before you continue to use the Web Platform.


Any reference to “we”, “us” and/or “our” within these terms refers to More Music UK Limited. Where we refer to “you” throughout these terms, this is a reference to any Student, Customer, Attendee or other User of our Web Platform as appropriate.


Our Web Platform provides an online platform through which Teachers can advertise, market, sell and promote their services, namely Music Lessons and/or Events. The application of these terms will vary depending on your use of the Web Platform as follows:


  1. General use of the Web Platform. All Users of the Web Platform will be bound by our terms of use. 
  2. Purchasing Music Lessons and/or Event Ticket via the Web Platform. By purchasing Music Lessons and/or Event Tickets via the Web Platform, you enter into a direct (legally binding) contractual relationship with the Teacher. From the point at which you purchase the Music Lessons and/or Event Tickets, we act solely as an intermediary between you and the Teacher. We do not (re)sell, rent out or offer any Music Lessons and/or Events. We transmit the relevant details of your purchase to the relevant Teacher, confirm your purchases on behalf of the Teacher and facilitate the payment you make to the Teacher. Please note that we do charge the Teacher a fee when you purchase Music Lessons and/or Event Tickets via our Web Platform (see below for more detail).  If you purchase Music Lessons and/or Event Tickets via our Web Platform then you will be bound by all of these terms. 
  3. Third-Party Music Supplier Introduction: You may have been introduced to our Web Platform by a third-party music supplier because Covid-19 has meant that your normal music lessons can no longer happen in person.  If this is the case please read clause 14 below.  By using our Web Platform, you acknowledge that you consent to your child and his or her music teacher continuing his/her music education online using our Web Platform in accordance with clause 14.


These terms constitute the entire agreement between you and us where you are purchasing Music Lessons and/or Event Tickets via the Web Platform in relation to the terms on which we will supply you with the use of our Web Platform. These terms assume that you are a consumer. You are a consumer if:

a) you are an individual; and

b) you purchase Music Lessons and/or Event Tickets through us wholly or mainly for your (or another person’s) personal use (i.e. not for use in connection with your, or another person’s, trade, business, craft or profession). 


These terms and conditions supersede any previous versions and come into effect from 27th August 2024.


2. Definitions

2.1 The meanings set out in these terms and conditions are as follows: 

"Acceptable Use Policy" means our acceptable use policy which can be found as an appendix to these terms. 

"Attendee" means any person attending an Event. 

"Community" refers to Users, Teachers, Customers, Attendees, us and our staff collectively.

"Customer" means the person who uses the Web Platform to purchase Music Lessons and/or Event Tickets, and where a Student is under 18 years of age the person must either be the parent, carer or legal guardian of the Student. 

"Event" means any event hosted by the Teacher and offered by the Teacher to Customers on the Web Platform.

"Event Ticket" means a ticket that allows a Customer to attend a particular Event, such ticket to be purchased on the Web Platform.

"Group Lesson" means a music lesson provided by the Teacher to more than one Student further to engagement via our Web Platform. 

"Solo Lesson" means a one-to-one music lesson provided by the Teacher to the Student further to engagement via our Web Platform. 

"Solo Lesson Block" is a block of 5, 10, 20 or 40 Solo Lessons. When a Customer purchases a Solo Lesson Block, the Teacher can create lessons which are confirmed automatically. When purchasing a Solo Lesson Block, the Customer may qualify for a discount on the Price of up to 20%.

"Lesson Offer" means an offer made by the Teacher to any Customer via the Web Platform for the purchase of one or more Lesson(s), subject to the terms of that offer. 

"Music Lessons" means either Solo Lesson(s), Lesson Offers and/or Group Lesson(s).  

"Platform Fee" is the amount deducted from the Price in exchange for our Services.

"Price" refers to the price you pay for the Music Lessons and/or Event Tickets, inclusive of the Teacher Fee (where applicable), the Platform Fee and the Service Fee (where applicable) as visible on the Teacher’s profile.

"Privacy Policy" means our privacy policy which can be found at

"Safety Centre" means the area on the Web Platform that sets out all information surrounding the vetting of Teachers, the safeguarding of children and all other relevant information regarding safeguarding and child protection. 

"Service Fee" means a nominal fee, payable by the student, added to Lesson Offers, Group Lessons and Event products.

"Services" means the supply, hosting and maintenance of the Web Platform and the marketing, communication, lesson booking and fee collection services, provided by us via the Web Platform. 

"Student" means the recipient of the Music Lessons provided by the Teacher. 

"Transport Fee" refers to the additional cost applied by the Teacher to cover time and expense associated with travelling to the home of the Student, when the Student requests Music Lessons at their home.

"Teacher" is the professional, self-employed music tutor using the Web Platform to market their Music Lessons and/or Events.

"Teacher Fee" means the proportion of the Price that we pay to the Teacher.

"User" is any person that uses the Web Platform in any capacity, including but not limited to Customers, Students and Attendees.  

"Venue" means any location or building that a Teacher utilises to deliver Music Lessons and/or host Events.

"Web Platform" means or such domain name address as we supply for our services from time to time.

"Writing" and/or "Written" includes any written communication including emails.


3. What we do 


a) provide marketing, communication, booking and fee collection services for Teachers;
b) maintain, host and provide a Web Platform where Users can easily find and connect with a Teacher to arrange and pay for Music Lessons and/or Events;

c) carry out different checks on Teachers depending on the terms of the Teacher's contract with us;

d) act as an interface between Customers and Teachers and maintain a notification system to ensure swift communication between Customers and  Teachers; 

e) display clear and accurate fee information to both Customers and Teachers and facilitate the payment of the Price via the Web Platform;

f) investigate all complaints in line with our complaints policy, which is available on request and manage all refunds; and

g) take the necessary steps to use and protect Users’, Students’, Attendees' and Customers’ personal data as set out in our Privacy Policy.


4. Our Community Standards 

4.1 Users of our Web Platform shall:

a) be responsible for the safety and security of themselves and any children (i.e. persons under the age of 18) who use the Web Platform or are Attendees and/or Students. In the event that your password/login details are no longer private, please contact us via the Web Platform immediately. We shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by you or any other person further to your failure to contact us in accordance with this clause 4.1(a);

b) comply with our Acceptable Use Policy and ensure messages and content posted on the Web Platform are legal and in no way abusive, offensive or illegal. Where a message or any content is a cause for concern, you shall report it to us immediately; and

c) take reasonable steps to exercise common sense when assessing the accuracy and legitimacy of information on the Web Platform.


4.2 We reserve the right to refuse you access to our Web Platform if you fail to comply with any of our community standards set out in this clause 4.


5.0 Customer Responsibilities

5.1 By using this Web Platform to purchase  Music Lessons and/or Event Tickets, each Customer:

a) accepts that we are not responsible for the behaviour or actions of any Teacher;

b) shall provide accurate personal information for the purposes of communication, purchasing Music Lessons and/or Event Tickets and fee collection and all other activity associated with the use of our Web Platform;

c) shall ensure that all Music Lessons are confirmed and paid for in advance of the relevant tuition taking place and accept that the relevant Music Lessons are not confirmed until the Teacher has taken the necessary steps to do so.  While we recommend to the Teacher that the Teacher gives such confirmation within 5 hours of a purchase being made we make no guarantees in this regard; 

d) shall ensure that all Event Tickets are confirmed and paid for in advance of the relevant Event taking place;

e) shall always use the payment system on the Web Platform to pay for Music Lessons and/or Event Tickets; 

f) shall allow us to facilitate payment of any fees for Music Lessons and/or Event Tickets and acknowledges that we will take a percentage of the fee that the Customer pays to the Teacher in consideration of the Services we are providing, namely the Platform


g) accepts that once a payment is made and the relevant Music Lessons and/or Event Tickets are confirmed, the Customer has a binding legal agreement with the Teacher and we accept no liability for the Teacher's responsibility with regard to that agreement;

h) shall not attempt to circumvent the Web Platform by booking any Music Lessons and/or Event Tickets or any other services directly with any Teacher; 

i) (if applicable) shall provide a safe and sufficient environment for the Teacher and/or Attendees and/or Students;

j) shall ensure that s/he has adequate IT systems for receiving notifications in line with the Customer's chosen notification settings. We are not responsible if notifications or messages are sent and not checked or not received by the Customer due to email systems failing;

k) shall, 

i. where the Customer is also the Student or Attendee:

(A) accept that it is his/her/their responsibility to use his/her/their best judgement to ascertain the suitability of a Teacher for his/her/their needs; 

(B) shall attend Music Lessons and/or Events punctually; 

(C) shall act in an appropriate manner and treat the Teacher with respect when receiving Music Lessons and/or attending Events; and 


ii. if the Customer is purchasing Music Lessons and/or Event Tickets on behalf of a Student:

(A) accept that it is the Customer's responsibility to use his/her/their best judgement to ascertain the suitability of a Teacher for the Attendee's/Student's needs; 

(B) ensure that the Attendee/Student attends Music Lessons and/or Events punctually; and

(C) ensure that the Attendee/Student acts in an appropriate manner and treats the Teacher with respect when receiving the Music Lessons and/or attending Events.  


5.2 We reserve the right to refuse you access to our Web Platform if you fail to comply with any of the Customer responsibilities set out in this clause 


6. Pricing 

General pricing information

6.1 Prices of Music Lessons and/or Event Tickets are clearly displayed on the Web Platform, on the Teacher's profile, on the lesson confirmation screen and when you make a purchase. 


6.2 The Price is a combination of the Teacher Fee and the Platform Fee, and the service fee (if applicable). The Price includes all applicable taxes, including VAT.


6.3 Prices vary depending on a number of factors, including the Teacher's experience and location.


6.4 For any Solo Lesson the Customer requests to be provided at a location that is not the Teacher's nominated location (and provided the lesson is not to be delivered virtually), the Teacher has the right to add an additional Transport Fee per Solo Lesson which shall be agreed with you prior to the booking being confirmed. 


6.5 The Price of a lesson in a Lesson Offer is inclusive of all relevant fees (i.e. the Platform Fee, Teacher Fee, Transport Fees and any fees associated with the Venue).  No additional Fees may be raised by the Teacher. Service fees will be displayed on a separate line.  


6.6 Solo Lessons can be purchased by the Customer solely or in the form of Solo Lesson Blocks. Solo Lesson Blocks are only available to Customers who utilise the Web Platform (and our payment service provider) for the arrangement, booking and payment of Music Lessons. 


Solo Lesson Blocks      

6.7 Most Customers buy a Solo Lesson Block after the first lesson. After a Customer has purchased a Solo Lesson Block, s/he/they will be able to plan Solo Lessons with the Teacher at a fixed or flexible time. Below you can see the terms for our flexible Solo Lesson Blocks:


a) All Solo Lessons (between 1 and 40) in the block are valid for 12 months from the date of purchase. The Customer understands that unused Solo Lessons that are part of a Solo Lesson Block remaining on their account after 12 months from the date of purchase will be treated as expired and cannot be returned or refunded.

b) Satisfaction Guarantee: In the unlikely event that a Customer is not satisfied with his/her/their Teacher, we can arrange for a refund on unused lessons. Note a £3 charge may be levied by the Web Platform in consideration for its duties in performing a refund. 

C) Flexibility: Customers can schedule new appointments with the Teacher at any time or decide on a regular lesson on a particular day or time of the week, fortnight or month.


6.8 Customers can use the Web Platform to automatically renew any Solo Lesson Block once all Solo Lessons from the current block have been used.


6.9 Solo Lesson Blocks are available in a range of lesson durations, clearly displayed on the Teacher's profile on the Web Platform.


6.10 Customers will qualify for a discount on the Price when purchasing a Solo Lesson Block containing 5 Lessons or more. The discounts available are: 

a) 5 lessons - 10% discount; 

b) 10 lessons - 15% discount; 

c) 20/40 lessons - 20% discount.


6.11 When a Solo Lesson Block is purchased, the Customer gives permission for the Teacher to automatically create and confirm Lessons, using the information of date, time, location and duration provided by the Customer.


6.12 The Web Platform shall notify the Customer each time a Solo Lesson is booked and confirmed. It is the Customer's responsibility to check these details are correct and contact the Teacher with any desired amendments in a reasonable amount of time prior to the Solo Lesson.


6.13 The Web Platform will provide information on the Customer's account, displaying how many Lessons are remaining in the current Solo Lesson Block for each Customer.


6.14 When the Customer uses the Web Platform to automatically renew the Solo Lesson Block, the Web Platform will collect payment from the nominated payment card and create a duplicate Solo Lesson Block on the Customer's behalf. If the Customer chooses the 'split payment' option when purchasing the original Solo Lesson Block, we shall use the split payment option for the automatic renewal of the Solo Lesson Block. We will automatically notify the Customer 2 days before the automatic renewal payment is taken. The Customer is able to edit or cancel their automatic renewal at any time. We shall refund to the Customer any monies paid as a result of an unwanted automatic renewal. A £3 charge may be levied by the Web Platform in consideration of its duties in performing refunds. 


6.15 Further to the purchase of a Solo Lesson Block, the Customer has the right to instruct the Teacher to create Lessons at mutually convenient times for both the Student and Teacher. The date, time and location of each Lesson are flexible and need not be the same for each Lesson.


6.16 In the unlikely event that the Customer does not feel satisfied with the quality of teaching, the Customer shall inform us via the Web Platform. We will recommend a suitable replacement and refund the cost of any unused Lessons with the Teacher for a period of 12 months after the date of purchase. Note a £3 charge may be levied by the Web Platform in consideration of its duties in performing a refund. 


6.17 The Student has the right at any time to change Teacher and we shall refund any unused Lessons with a Teacher which are no longer required, for up to 12 months after the date of purchase. Note a £3 charge may be levied by the Web Platform in consideration of its duties when performing a refund. 


6.18 Should the Teacher's circumstances change to the effect that they are no longer able to deliver future Solo Lessons purchased within a Solo Lesson Block, we will search for a replacement Teacher and refund to the Customer any unused Lessons for a period of up to 12 months after the date of purchase. Note a £3 charge may be levied by the Web Platform in consideration of its duties when performing a refund.



7. Payment

7.1 The Customer shall pay for all Music Lessons and/or Event Tickets in advance, using the payment system utilised by the Web Platform together with any Transport Fees and Service Fees  (if applicable). 


7.2 Our payment provider is currently Billwerk+. When you make a payment via Billwerk+, you are subject to Billwerk+’s terms and conditions and privacy policy.  Billwerk+ accepts payment via Credit or debit card and some mobile pay providers. 


7.3 Payment is withdrawn from the Customer's nominated account on the day of purchase.


7.4 We encrypt all information which we hold including the limited card details using SSL (Single Socket Layer) technology. The Web Platform does not have access to the Customer's full card information at any point, only the Customer’s name, the type of card being used for payment, the last 4 digits of the long card number, the expiry date and the address to which the card is issued. 


7.5 When choosing the subscription option at checkout, the Customer agrees to securely store their card information within their account in the Web Platform (i.e. not use a password which is easy to guess and not share any passwords with any third parties). The Customer has the option to choose whether to instruct Teachers to create Music Lessons where the payment is automatically taken from the Customer's card.



Split payment function

7.6 When using our Web Platform the Customer has the option to purchase the following in one single payment or by using the split payment function: 

a) all Solo Lesson Blocks and; 

b) Group Lessons, Events, and Lesson Offers (where the total price of the purchase is greater than £100).


7.7 Split payment enables the Customer to spread the cost of payment over the course of 3 equal monthly instalments.  The Web Platform offers the split payment service interest-free and no further hidden charges apply.


7.8 For split payments, the first instalment will be taken from the Customer’s card on the day of purchase. The Customer shall instruct the Web Platform to automatically take the second instalment on the same day of the next month and the third payment on the same day of the subsequent month.


7.9 By selecting the split payment, the Customer agrees to securely store their card information within their account in the Web Platform in order to facilitate the split payments as described in this clause 7.


7.10 We shall notify the Customer three days before the second and third instalments to inform them of the upcoming split payment.


7.11 The Customer shall ensure that funds are available to enable the payments due.


7.12 Should a payment fail, we will notify the Customer. In such an event the Customer shall re-enter their card details in the Web Platform to allow a further payment attempt.


7.13 The Customer agrees that we are permitted to inform the Teacher in the event of a failed payment and the Teacher will cancel further Music Lessons and/or Event Tickets until the payment is successfully taken.


7.14 In the event of more Music Lessons being taken than have been paid for, the Customer agrees that we, in our capacity as agent for the Teacher, have the right to pass on any debt to third-party agencies, should monies be outstanding for a period longer than 3 months. The Customer acknowledges this may affect their credit rating.


7.15 We shall provide the Customer with a receipt further to any purchase made via the Web Platform.  Such receipt shall be sent to the Customer via email.


8. Bookings, Cancellations and Complaints

Please note that these terms concerning purchasing Music Lessons and/or attendance to Events via our Web Platform and cancellation etc. are provided on behalf of the Teachers and we act strictly as the Teacher’s agent in facilitating such terms.   


Solo Lessons

8.2 To cancel a Solo Lesson, the Customer must send the Teacher a message using the Web Platform.


8.3 If the Teacher cancels a Solo Lesson (for whatever reason) the Price, together with any Transport Fee which has been paid for, will be refunded, or the Solo Lesson will be moved to another date which suits the Student. Note a £3 charge may be levied by the Web Platform in consideration of its duties when performing a refund.


8.4 If a Solo Lesson is confirmed, paid for, but subsequently cancelled by the Customer with less than 24 hours’ notice being given to the Teacher, no refunds can be issued.


8.5 If a Solo Lesson does not occur due to a Student not attending and the Customer has made no attempt to cancel, no refunds can be issued.


8.6 If a Solo Lesson does not occur because the Teacher cannot gain access to a Customer's nominated location as to where the lesson is due to take place and the Customer has not responded to the Teacher’s attempt at communication, no refunds can be issued.


8.7 In the event of the Student arriving late for a Solo Lesson, the Teacher agrees to wait for a reasonable amount of time before cancelling the Solo Lesson. No refunds can be issued in this circumstance.


8.8 Solo Lessons cancelled by the Customer with greater than 24 hours’ notice may either be rescheduled at no extra cost or a full refund may be requested. If a full refund is requested in accordance with this clause 8.8, the refund will be made within 30 days of the request. Note a £3 charge may be levied by the Web Platform, in consideration of its duties when performing the refund. 


Group Lessons

8.9 A Customer has the right to cancel a Group Lesson at any time in the 14-day period following the day on which the Group Lessons are confirmed and paid for. The Customer may not cancel a Group Lesson if the relevant Student attends one of the Group Lessons forming part of the Group Lessons created by the Teacher in the booking, as at this point the Customer's right to cancel will have expired and the Customer will be obliged to pay for all lessons forming the Group Lesson booking. To cancel the Group Lessons within the 14-day cancellation period (as above), the Customer must send the Teacher a message with the instruction to cancel the Group Lessons. In the event that Group Lessons are cancelled by a Customer in accordance with the 14-day cancellation period, the Price for these lessons will be refunded to the Customer. Note a £3 charge may be levied by the Web Platform in consideration of its duties when performing a refund. 


8.10 In the event that any Group Lessons are cancelled by a Teacher (at any time), the Teacher shall reschedule the relevant Group Lessons for an alternative time and date that is mutually convenient to both the Teacher and the Customer (and Student).


Lesson Offers

8.11 A Customer has the right to cancel a  Lesson Offer at any time in the 14-day period following the day on which the relevant Lesson Offer is accepted and paid for by the Customer. Where a Lesson Offer contains Lessons and the relevant Student attends one of the Lessons, the Customer may not cancel any lesson forming part of the Offer as at this point the Customer's right to cancel will have expired and the Customer will be obliged to pay the full Price, unless the Teacher has indicated on the offer which is sent to you a further notice period which governs the cancellation of an offer once the 14-day cancellation period ends. 


8.12 To cancel Lesson Offers within the 14-day cancellation period (as above), the Customer must send the Teacher a message with the instruction to cancel the Lesson Offer. In the event that the Lesson Offer is cancelled by the Customer in accordance with the 14 day cancellation period, the Price for the Offer Lesson(s) will be refunded to the Customer. Note a £3 charge may be levied by the Web Platfrom in consideration of its duties when perfmorming a refund. 


8.13 In the event that an Offer is cancelled by a Teacher (at any time), the Teacher shall reschedule the relevant Music Lesson for an alternative time and date that is mutually convenient to both the Teacher, the Customer and the Student.  


8.14 Should a student wish to cancel a lesson which constitutes the whole or part of a Lesson Offer, the default setting is that once confirmed, this isn’t possible and the full price must be paid by the Student. The Teacher may indicate on the Lesson Offer that make-up lessons will be offered but they are under no obligation to do so. 



8.15 The Customer is not permitted to cancel its attendance to an Event after the Customer has purchased an Event Ticket and the Customer will not be entitled to any refund if they fail to attend an Event (as Events are a service related to leisure activities and involve us (and the Teacher) setting aside capacity that could be difficult to replace in the event of cancellation, no consumer right to cancellation applies). 


8.16 In the event that any Event is cancelled by a Teacher (at any time), the Price for that Event will be refunded to the Customer. Note a £3 charge may be levied by the Web Platform in consideration of its duties when performing the refund. 



8.17 All complaints, including those around lesson quality, non-attendance of a lesson by the Teacher, Teacher conduct, Student conduct, Attendee conduct and issues around the Web Platform will be handled in line with our complaints policy, a copy of which is available by request. 



Summary of your key legal rights

By way of information, this is a summary of your key legal rights further to your contract with the Teacher for the purchase of Music Lessons. These are subject to certain exceptions. For detailed information please visit the Citizens Advice website at or call 03454 04 05 06.

Where you are buying services, in this case, Music Lessons, the Consumer Rights Act 2015 says:

a) You can ask the Teacher to repeat or fix a service if it's not carried out with reasonable care and skill or get some money back if it cannot be fixed.

b) If you haven't agreed on a price beforehand, what you're asked to pay must be reasonable.

c) If you haven't agreed on a time beforehand, it must be carried out within a reasonable time.



9. Safeguarding and Child Protection

9.1 We recognise that safeguarding and child protection are of paramount importance. It is the responsibility of everyone in the Community to help keep children safe.


9.2 Our DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead) is Alex Wibrew. He can be contacted via email at [email protected]


9.3 We will update our safeguarding and child protection policy in September every year, and engage the services of an expert consultant to help the policy reflect changes in law and best practice.


9.4 All Teachers are provided with the document ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ and must read and understand this document before their profile is published on the Web Platform.


9.5 All Teachers are provided with:

a. a code of conduct, 

b. an acceptable use policy, and

c. a ‘lone working policy’ 

each of which must be read and adhered to at all times. A copy is available upon request.


9.6 All policies and documents will be reviewed annually in September and new versions will be distributed as appropriate.


9.7 Any concerns regarding an issue of safeguarding or child protection should be brought immediately to the attention of the DSL.


10. Liability

10.1 These terms of use do not impede or limit our liability for anything that is not permitted by law to do so.


10. 2 We are not liable for any loss or damage caused by the User or Customer's use of the Web Platform as laid out within these terms. Further, we shall have no liability to either the Customer or the Teacher in relation to the legally binding contract made between the Customer and the Teacher further to a purchase of Music Lessons via the Web Platform.


10.3 The Customer or User may be liable for any loss or damage caused to us resulting from a breach of these terms or other misuse or abuse of the Web Platform.


11. Intellectual Property

11.1 We shall retain ownership in all intellectual property rights in any content and materials on our Web Platform except for that content which is used under licence ("Rights").  Users of our Web Platform shall not be entitled to copy, link to, publish, promote, market, integrate, utilise, combine or otherwise use the Rights without our prior written consent.  

11.2 Users of our Web Platform shall grant us a non-exclusive, perpetual, royalty-free licence to use any material submitted to the Web Platform by Users in any way we see fit.


12. Changes to these terms

12.1 These terms supersede any previous versions and come into effect from 27th August 2024.

12.3 We reserve the right to alter these terms at any time. The Community is encouraged to check these terms regularly to ensure they are aware of any changes. We will endeavour to communicate changes to all in the Community, ahead of any changes to the terms occurring.


13. General

13.1 Transfer of rights under these terms. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under these terms. If you are unhappy with the transfer please contact us using the contact details set out within these terms.  You may only transfer your rights or your obligations under these terms to another person if we agree to this in writing.


13.2 These terms are the entire agreement between you and us. These terms constitute the entire agreement between you and us where a purchase of Music Lessons is made and between the User and us, and supersede and extinguish all previous agreements, promises, assurances, warranties, representations and understandings between them, whether written or oral, relating to its subject matter. You acknowledge that in entering into these terms you shall not rely on and shall have no remedies in respect of any statement, representation, assurance or warranty (whether made innocently or negligently) that is not set out in these terms. Neither you nor us shall have a claim for innocent or negligent misrepresentation based on any statement in these terms.


13.3 Even if we delay in enforcing this contract, we can still enforce it later. If we do not insist immediately that you do anything you are required to do under these terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of your breaking this contract, that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us taking steps against you at a later date. For example, if you miss a payment and we do not chase you but we continue to provide the products, we can still require you to make the payment at a later date.


13.4 If a court finds part of this contract illegal, the rest will continue in force. Each of the paragraphs of these terms operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining terms will remain in full force and effect.


13.5 Nobody else has rights under these terms. These terms are between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of its terms.


13.6 Which laws apply to these terms and where you may bring legal proceedings? These terms and any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales. You agree that the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of or in connection with these terms or their subject matter or formation.


14. Arrangements for students of music lessons via a third-party music service further to the Covid 19 crisis    

14.1 We have been engaged by a number of third-party music service suppliers to provide an online classroom for music lessons and administrative services. 


14.2 We have in place a number of agreements with these Suppliers which apply to any students who contact us further to their contracts with these Suppliers. 


14.3 We recognise that you have an existing agreement with the relevant Supplier and your use of the services provided by the Supplier’s teachers is subject to your agreement with the relevant Supplier.  You are still subject to our terms of use when you use our Web Platform but obviously, the description of how this Web Platform supports our Teachers and our Students does not apply. 


14.4 By using our Web Platform, you acknowledge that you consent to your child and his or her teacher continuing his/her music education online using our Web Platform.


14.5 As a result of your instructions as described above, either you or your music service or hub have set up a student account in your name or your child/s name on our Web Platform. 


14.6 By using our Web Platform you are accepting our terms, as set out above, insofar as they do not conflict with the terms in place between you and the Supplier and you are agreeing to use our Web Platform to arrange your child’s music lessons in the online space which we provide.


14.7 You agree that any issues, complaints or grievances that occur as a result of your interaction with a teacher, whether due to lesson quality, communication and any other factor due to delivery, will be taken up with your music service or hub and we, More Music UK Ltd, will be in no way liable as a result.


14.8 We recognise that payment and billing for lessons undertaken by the Student will be processed via your music service/hub and therefore we will not claim, nor be able to claim any monies from you in exchange for your activity on the Web Platform.


14.9 You are able to terminate this arrangement by contacting your music service or hub and we will be in no way liable for any issues or disputes which might incur as a result. Termination of the arrangement will be governed by the terms of the agreement which you have entered into with your Supplier.


14.10 You acknowledge that our role in your relationship with your Supplier is solely to provide the technology and administrative support to enable online learning to take place, at no extra cost to the Student.



1. Prohibited uses

1.1.1 You may not use our Web Platform:

1.1.2 In any way that breaches any applicable local, national or international law or regulation.

1.1.3 In any way that is unlawful or fraudulent or has any unlawful or fraudulent purpose or effect.

1.1.4 For the purpose of harming or attempting to harm minors in any way.

1.1.5 To bully, insult, intimidate or humiliate any person.

1.1.6 To send, knowingly receive, upload, download, use or re-use any material which does not comply with our content standards 

1.1.7 To transmit, or procure the sending of, any unsolicited or unauthorised advertising or promotional material or any other form of similar solicitation (spam).

1.1.8 To knowingly transmit any data, send or upload any material that contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time-bombs, keystroke loggers, spyware, adware or any other harmful programs or similar computer code designed to adversely affect the operation of any computer software or hardware.

1.1.9 To upload terrorist content.


1.2 You also agree:

1.2.1 Not to reproduce, duplicate, copy or re-sell any part of our site in contravention of the provisions of our terms of website use 

1.2.2 Not to access without authority, interfere with, damage or disrupt: any part of our Web Platform; any equipment or network on which our Web Platform is stored; any software used in the provision of our Web Platform; or any equipment or network or software owned or used by any third party.


2. Interactive services

2.1 We may from time to time provide interactive services on our Web Platform, including, without limitation:

Video-sharing facilities;

Chat rooms;

Bulletin boards;

collectively referred to as the Interactive Services.


2.2 Where we do provide any Interactive Services, we will provide clear information to you about the kind of service offered, if it is moderated and what form of moderation is used (including whether it is human or technical).


2.3 We will do our best to assess any possible risks for users (and in particular, for children) from third parties when they use any Interactive Services provided on our Web Platform, and we will decide in each case whether it is appropriate to use moderation of the relevant service (including what kind of moderation to use) in the light of those risks. However, we are under no obligation to oversee, monitor or moderate any Interactive Services we provide on our Web Platform, and we expressly exclude our liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of any Interactive Services by a user in contravention of our content standards, whether the service is moderated or not.


2.4 The use of any of our Interactive Services by a minor is subject to the consent of their parent or guardian. We advise parents who permit their children to use an Interactive Service that it is important that they communicate with their children about their safety online, as moderation is not foolproof. Minors who are using any Interactive Services should be made aware of the potential risks to them.


2.5 Where we do moderate an Interactive Service, we will normally provide you with a means of contacting the moderator, should a concern or difficulty arise


2.6 We do not store terrorist content.


Content standards

3.1 These content standards apply to any and all material which you contribute to our Web Platform (‘Contribution’), and to any Interactive Services associated with it.


3.2 The Content Standards must be complied with in spirit as well as to the letter. The standards apply to each part of any Contribution as well as to its whole.


3.3 We will determine, at its discretion, whether a Contribution breaches the Content Standards.


3.4 A Contribution must:

Be accurate (where it states facts).

Be genuinely held (where it states opinions).

Comply with the law applicable in England and Wales and in any country from which it is posted.


3.5 A Contribution must not:

Be defamatory of any person.

Be obscene, offensive, hateful or inflammatory.

Bully, insult, intimidate or humiliate.

Promote sexually explicit material.

Include child sexual abuse material.

Promote violence.

Promote discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientatio