Wayne Sanders

Wayne Sanders

Wayne Sanders

From £20.00 / 30 min.
  • Singing
  • Beginners
  • Basic
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced
  • Professional

Average response time: 3h or less

About Wayne Sanders

Block of lessons

Purchasing a block of lessons from a teacher offers you a discounted rate while maintaining flexibility.




Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday

Ability levels taught:

Beginners / Basic / Intermediate / Advanced / Professional

Age groups taught:

Infants (and parents) / Children / Teenagers / Adults / Seniors

Reviews of Wayne Sanders

5 (10)

Alastair J.

Created at 18/08/23

Wayne an amazing teacher, explains things very clearly and we had an instant rapport. If you happy to invest that much money for lessons then I cannot rate him highly enough. Worth the extra money than the cheaper coaches

Samuel J. W.

Created at 06/07/23

What can I say, the guy's been supportive from day one. I'm an aspiring singer and I didn't know where to start in perfecting my craft until I kicked myself into gear and started searching for coaching. Then I found Wayne, he's such a laid-back guy and even out of lessons I feel like I can freely interact and share my progress, I will continue buying lessons for Wayne and I suggest you do too, you won't be disappointed. Sam.

Clair T.

Created at 22/06/23

Wayne is such a great vocal coach - he breaks everything down and challenges what I do which is exactly what I need. Wayne has a relaxed attitude to teaching and makes is easy - I look forward to every lesson

Teaching Locations

  • At teacher

    At the teacher's home

    CF23*** Cardiff


    The lessons are held online in our OnlineClassRoom

Quick to respond

The teacher responds to the first message from a new student within 48 hours on average

Presentation video

The teacher has a presentation video of themselves as a teacher on their profile

Highly recommended

The teacher has at least 3 recommendations from current and / or former students with a minimum of 4 out of 5 stars on average

High commitment

The teacher must be good at engaging with the individual student and making long-term and meaningful courses for them.
From £20.00 / 30 min.

Average response time: 3h or less

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