Sofiko Tvauri

Sofiko Tvauri

Sofiko Tvauri

From £51.25 / 30 min.
  • Cello
  • Beginners
  • Basic
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced
  • Professional

Average response time: 72h or more

About Sofiko Tvauri

Teaching Locations

  • At teacher

    At the teacher's home

    KT3*** New Malden


    The lessons are held online in our OnlineClassRoom

    At student

    Transport fees may apply

Block of lessons

Purchasing a block of lessons from a teacher offers you a discounted rate while maintaining flexibility.




Teaches all days of the week

Ability levels taught:

Beginners / Basic / Intermediate / Advanced / Professional

Age groups taught:

Infants (and parents) / Children / Teenagers / Adults / Seniors

Reviews of Sofiko Tvauri

Marina S.

Created at 11/01/22

Sofiko started teaching our oldest son at the point when we considered dropping music, as he's made no progress in two+ years. Within months, the progress was obvious. He went on to take Gr1 and then complete Gr 8, receiving distinctions along the way. Sofiko also successfully helped with Music Theory. She has since taught our younger children. An amazing teacher!

Maria S.

Created at 12/01/22

Sofiko is a fantastic cello teacher. Since we found her, my son has been going from strength to strength with her calm yet really fast paced approach. I fully recommend Sofiko.

Alexander B.

Created at 08/07/23

Sofiko has been deputising for me at Royal College of Music since 2015 and regularly assisting at Recanati masterclasses in Italy.

Sofiko Tvauri tags

Cello Beginners Welcome Qualified Professional Music Industry Professional

Quick to respond

The teacher responds to the first message from a new student within 48 hours on average

Presentation video

The teacher has a presentation video of themselves as a teacher on their profile

Highly recommended

The teacher has at least 3 recommendations from current and / or former students with a minimum of 4 out of 5 stars on average

High commitment

The teacher must be good at engaging with the individual student and making long-term and meaningful courses for them.
From £51.25 / 30 min.

Average response time: 72h or more

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