Loretta Angelica T

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About Loretta Angelica T

Loretta is an experienced and committed musician who encourage students to grow and succeeds in their goals and understands the dedication needed to create and communicate compelling music. She enjoys to make the lessons simple, fun and educate people using her knowledge and skills. Loretta has a masters in Jazz performance and composition and classically trained in clarinet, saxophone and flute. She is inspired to teach and give her the skills to encourage and engage with pupils effectively. Loretta’s career as a musician has taken her to several music venues in London and festivals and creating a jingle for BBC Podcast ‘Inside the Writersroom’. Her diligence, loyalty and commitment to music through practice and understanding of the world of work has allowed him to excel in her passion and inspire others to follow the same path. Loretta uses her extensive knowledge of her instruments to make his lesson plans varied, catering for a wide variety of students with a range of musical desires. Depending on a song or genre of interest expressed by the student, These elements can be flexible to you, and we can go further in to create your music.

Based in
Loretta is based in East London, Stratford

Teaching in saxophone
Loretta teaches saxophone to students of all ages, from beginner to advanced.

Saxophone lessons with Loretta include:

- Note reading
- Rhythm exercises
- Musical expression and performance
- Improvisation
- Developing a repertoire
- Tone development, timing, sound, musical phrasing, articulation, ear training

- Grades offered
- Technique
- Sight reading
- Arranging and composition

Teaching in clarinet
Loretta teaches clarinet to students of all ages, from beginner to intermediate.

Clarinet lessons with Loretta include:

- Note reading
- Rhythm exercises
- Musical expression and performance
- Improvisation
- Developing a repertoire

- Tone development, timing, sound, musical phrasing, articulation, ear training

- Grades offered
- Technique
- Sight reading
- Arranging and composition

Teaching in Flute
Loretta teaches flute to students of all ages, from beginner to intermediate.

Flute lessons with Loretta include:
- Note reading
- Rhythm exercises

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