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About Kevin E.
Kevin's experience as a piano teacher is long and varied, encompassing young and old students, of all backgrounds and abilities. Therefore there isn’t a ‘typical’ lesson, as the focus and style will depend entirely on factors like the age and aspirations of the student. For instance, with regard to the very young beginner, there will be a shorter lesson which will aim to develop core principles of keyboard geography, pitch recognition and the beat, tied in with games and imagery to brighten the appeal. On the other hand, the adult student will be asked whether they would like to learn some music theory (in conjunction with practical lessons), focus on pop music or go full on for the grades.
Kevin recommends that your home has a serviceable piano (electric or acoustic) with weighted keys that are touch-sensitive, and with at least one pedal (sustain). For very young children the lessons are usually 15 minutes in length, with 30 minutes for everyone else. It should be recognised that the best progress will be made if, in the first year, the student practises 5 - 6 days a week and between 15 – 30 minutes a day.
Kevin has been a piano teacher for very many years, having had the privilege to introduce young and old to a world of musical discovery and pleasure. Following the normal path of piano through the 'grades', he went to Newcastle University for a BA hons in Music under Professor Denis Matthews. Kevin’s interest in jazz took him on gigs at home and abroad; until he eventually settled down as a teacher. As someone with his experience as a performer and a teacher of all abilities and backgrounds, you can be sure Kevin is the right teacher for you.
To find out more about learning with Kevin, please send a message using the button on this profile.
Kevin recommends that your home has a serviceable piano (electric or acoustic) with weighted keys that are touch-sensitive, and with at least one pedal (sustain). For very young children the lessons are usually 15 minutes in length, with 30 minutes for everyone else. It should be recognised that the best progress will be made if, in the first year, the student practises 5 - 6 days a week and between 15 – 30 minutes a day.
Kevin has been a piano teacher for very many years, having had the privilege to introduce young and old to a world of musical discovery and pleasure. Following the normal path of piano through the 'grades', he went to Newcastle University for a BA hons in Music under Professor Denis Matthews. Kevin’s interest in jazz took him on gigs at home and abroad; until he eventually settled down as a teacher. As someone with his experience as a performer and a teacher of all abilities and backgrounds, you can be sure Kevin is the right teacher for you.
To find out more about learning with Kevin, please send a message using the button on this profile.