Howard W.

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About Howard W.

*As of January 2024, I am fully booked. Feel free to contact if you'd like to be on a waitlist* Howard believes that drumming can change your life for the better and that your teacher should know enough about their instrument (and themselves) to make your time and money worth your while.

Howard is an experienced and versatile jazz, prog rock/metal and fusion drummer providing holistic drum tuition to all ages and levels. He has been playing for over 20 years, getting involved from an early age in jazz, big band, musical theatre, rock and funk groups, continuing through school and university. Whilst he began as a jazz drummer, he is a huge fan of hard rock, progressive rock and metal, and considers himself a lifelong student of the drums. He loves drumming and loves seeing his students improve, and continues to improve his own skills under Ray Hearne of progressive metal group, Haken.

He is also a professional choral singer (tenor), a big band leader and conductor, plays folk guitar and piano to a fair standard, and works on solo and joint projects using Logic Pro X and Native Instruments.

- How does he teach? -

Howard is a trainee counselling psychologist* and therefore believes that people can grow and change and develop, and that we all have different needs and personalities. His drum teaching philosophy is similarly humanistic; when learning the drums, we need to focus on the person as well as the skills involved with drumming. Essentially, we need four things...

o Self-confidence - to be able to push ourselves and know that we WILL get better at drumming if we do the right things enough times.
o Discipline - to get the muscle memory embedded and the neurons firing
o Self-compassion - to recognise that we're humans with emotions, not computers, and that we can use this to be better musicians
o Self-knowledge - to know what we need when we need it, and then to apply that knowledge so that we get it

Unfortunately, drummers are at a particular disadvantage (or advantage?) in that they use all 4 limbs at once, which requires a LOT of patience, commitment and dedication to excellent technique. Howard teaches excellent technique to help you feel confident and at ease as a drummer WITHOUT INJURY, helping you to play what you want, how...

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