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About Casey

Practising music for over a decade and with experience within the live events music industry in London; Casey is one of the most knowledge teachers in Swindon.

Casey has an open-minded approach to your lessons, tailoring each one specifically to your wants and needs. Each lesson varies but follows a similar pattern of a warm up, practising scales, and then a song of your of her choosing. They have experience in teaching children as young as 3 years old, as well as adults as young as 40 years!

Lessons are taken online or in person at the students house.

"Casey is incredibly talented and also incredibly knowledgeable. They have a wealth of knowledge about music and singing. They are also a gifted and patient teacher. You will improve exponentially working with them." Abigail

"Casey is a fun teacher and has a lot of patience and is very good at explaining things outside the box." Agnes

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