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About Anny

Ms Cheng learned piano playing at the age of ten. She has completed her education teaching course at The Hong Kong Institute of Education (now known as The Education University of Hong Kong) and major in music.

She has worked on music panels in primary and secondary schools. In 2000 and 2001, she passed the ABRSM Grade 8 Piano Exam with merit, the Grade 8 Singing Exam with distinction and also passed the ABRSM Grade 8 Violin Exam.

Ms Cheng has been teaching music for more than 20 years. Her students are between the ages of three to ninety. This may say that Ms Cheng has plenty of music teaching experience.

In 2009, she got the prize of guided teacher in teaching children and teenagers. (Subject: Singing) Furthermore, many Ms Cheng’s students joined the Hong Kong Schools Music Festival and got very good results.

Ms Cheng was the conductor for Tai po district Elderly Choir with 100 members. She has been teaching music in the following institutes, such as La Salle Primary School, St. Joseph's Anglo-Chinese Primary School, Carmel Leung Sing Tak School, Tak Oi Secondary School, Fung Ying Seen Koon Tai Po Neighbourhood Elderly Centre and Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service Yau Tsim Neighbourhood Elderly Centre.

Ms Cheng has lived in the United Kingdom since July 2023. She can teach in English, Cantonese and Mandarin. Ms Cheng explains her teaching in simple terms with humour, such that students enjoy learning music with Ms Cheng.

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