Aleksandra H.

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About Aleksandra H.

For more than 7 years I have had a pleasure to be a violin and piano tutor. During these years I worked with a wide variety of students, from different age groups and levels. All that time has been a great experience of mine, to help my students reach their desired goals - from ABRSM exams and school performances to being able to play your favorite tune for your friends and family.

I am a responsible, reliable and demanding tutor. These qualities of mine not only got me to work in several different schools in the UK and abroad, give masterclasses and conduct workshops, but also allowed me to build a community of inspiring and diligent students.

I conduct my classes in a warm and nice atmosphere and tailor the structure of the class according to my students’ needs and goals. I can provide a wide variety of exercises and ways how to make your practice efficient, so that you can have the guarantee of reaching your desired level.

I am a classically trained violinist and I have been studying music for almost two decades now. I obtained a degree in Hochschule der Kunste in Bern, Switzerland - Certificate of Advanced studies and the Bachelor of Music in the Royal Academy of Music in London. Over that course I was awarded a Licentiate in LRAM Teaching Course.

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