The Association of Teachers of Singing (AOTOS) was founded in 1975 to promote a wider
understanding of all aspects of the teaching of singing. AOTOS creates opportunities which bring
together teachers from all over the world. All AOTOS activities and services are open to members
specialising in teaching any expression of song: from classical, through music theatre and folk, to
jazz, rock and gospel, either privately or in school, college or conservatoire.
Being a member
AOTOS is an association specifically concerned with the needs and demands of all professionals
involved in the training of the singing voice. Through AOTOS we make our voices heard, keep in
contact with our fellow teachers, and broaden our horizons by exchanging ideas and experience.
AOTOS has a busy calendar, including both National Conferences and Area Events. In recent years,
we have offered successful events not only in London, but in the Central, North, South East and
South West Areas of the UK.
Our inspiring one day National Conferences draw together a variety of excellent and knowledgeable
speakers, whilst our increasingly popular Area Events normally focus on one speaker who presents
one particular area of vocal interest. Our three day Summer Conference is always the jewel in
the crown of the year. It takes place in a different city or town across the UK each year, and
enables teachers not only to access leaders in their field of knowledge, but also promotes personal
development through networking and social interaction.
The commitment of AOTOS to the improvement of singing teaching centres on the annual week-long
Teacher Training Course. The course was originally designed to be a professional development for
practising singing teachers. It offers the opportunity for teachers to work with guest pupils watched
by an experienced teacher, who then comments and develops further ideas with the student
teacher in regular sessions throughout the week. It provides an ideal refresher course with chances
to share new ideas and hone existing skills.
Magazine and Online Resources for Members
Singing is the journal of AOTOS, sent twice a year to all members, and is also now available in
pdf format online. It includes articles, book and music reviews, reports of presentations at recent
national conferences and area events, as well as news of members, and notification of forthcoming
events. Downloadable topics such as music theatre singing, sight singing, choral award applications
can be found in the member resources section of the web site.
Membership of AOTOS shows that a teacher realises the need to keep learning and reflecting on
teaching techniques and avoids the teacher becoming isolated which can be a common experience.
For further information and to join AOTOS, click here.