Not binding:
Purchasing a block of lessons is not binding - you can at any time change to another teacher or instrument.
Validity and Returns:
All blocks of lessons are valid for 12 months from the date of purchase. Any unused lessons within this time can be refunded at any point.
Automatic Renewal:
Your block of lessons will be set to renew automatically at the date and time of the last lesson of the block. You can edit or cancel your renewal at any time from the dashboard of your account.
Withdrawal of funds and VAT:
Whether you buy a single lesson, or a flexible block of lessons, payment is withdrawn the same day as the purchase is made. Prices include all applicable taxes.
You can continuously book lessons with the teacher or have a set day for each week.
Quantity discount:
Discounts of up to 20% are available with a block of lessons. You more the lessons in the block, the more you save.